Consulting Services


Hello! I am a Roboticist from Puerto Rico interested in solving complex problems by leveraging the power of autonomy. I am seeking opportunities to offer my consulting services to individuals or organizations in need of expert advice and guidance in the field of robotics and automation software.

I have worked with various robotics platforms (ground and aerial mobile vehicles, humanoids, and manipulators), I have extensive experience with ROS and ROS 2, and in developing software for autonomous collaborative swarms, perception, and general manipulation. You can refer to my portfolio for additional information on the projects I’ve worked on and the technical skills I’ve improved on and acquired while working on those projects.

My consulting services can cover a wide range of areas, from system design to implementation and testing. I am also available to provide training and support to your engineers in areas where you may need to expand your robotics capabilities.

Feel free to send me an email or schedule a 30 min consultation chat via my calendar below. I would love to discuss how I can assist your team in developing and deploying innovative robotics solutions. Chat soon!